
Psychiatry / TelePsychiatry

Psychiatry / TelePsychiatry

Access to appropriate psychiatric care can be an important part of the recovery process. We provide both in-person psychiatric services and also make use of telepsychiatry, one of the most effective ways to provide access to psychiatric care for people in isolated or underserved areas. Through specialized videoconferencing and internet technologies, a licensed psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner can provide a wide range of services including diagnosis/assessment, medication management, and group or individual therapy.

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If you can’t find out the information you need, please call us on (704) 671-4047

Substance Use Services

Substance Use Services

Infinite Beginnings, LLC offers Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Services (SAIOP) to people struggling with addiction to substances such as alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and opioids. This program is offered on Monday Wednesday and Friday for 3 hours a day. Most of our sites offer morning and/or evening groups to better meet your needs. SAIOP provides you with the opportunity to participate in group therapy, drug screening, education, and development of healthy coping skills. Our goal is to help you live a healthy life without the use of drugs and alcohol.

Speak to someone today to learn more about your options

If you can’t find out the information you need, please call us on (704) 671-4047

Medication Management

Medication Management

Our medication management services are designed to seamlessly integrate safe and effective prescribed medications for mental illness, addiction and/or developmental disabilities with appropriate therapeutic interventions and psychiatric/medical care. Proper medication management can help to stabilize symptoms, strengthen recovery efforts, and reduce the likelihood of future crisis situations.

Speak to someone today to learn more about your options

If you can’t find out the information you need, please call us on (704) 671-4047

Out Patient Therapy (OPT)

Out Patient Therapy (OPT)

Infinite Beginnings, LLC provides trauma informed and resiliency focused outpatient counseling for children and families that can take place in their home, community, or at one of our office locations. Each client and family will receive a comprehensive assessment at intake to help identify and understand the issues impacting their functioning.
Outpatient counseling may consist of individual, family and/or group counseling and your therapist will be able to utilize evidence-based interventions to help each client and family achieve their goals.

Speak to someone today to learn more about your options

If you can’t find out the information you need, please call us on (704) 671-4047

Individual Support Services

Individual Support Services

Individual Support is a “hands-on” service for persons with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI). The intent of the service is to teach and assist individuals in carrying out Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), such as preparing meals, managing medicines, grocery shopping and managing money, so they can live independently in the community. The goal is that the need for this service will fade or decrease over time as the individual becomes capable of performing some of these activities more independently. Individual Support help individuals chose their home, learn skills to maintain their home, and ensure long term housing retention in the community with the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else. Individual Support is a direct, one-on-one service. This would include individuals who live in private homes, licensed group homes, adult care homes and hospitals. Individuals who live in independent housing may receive this service with a plan to fade or decrease services over time.
For more information, please review the PSR Brochure, or contact one of our main office @ 704-671-4047.

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If you can’t find out the information you need, please call us on (704) 671-4047

Peer Support Services

Peer Support Services

Peer Support Services, provided by peers, are structured and scheduled for activities for adults age 18 and older with a diagnosis of Mental Health and Substance Use disorders. This is an individualized, recovery-focuses service that allows individuals the opportunity to learn to manage their own recovery and advocacy process. Interventions by Peer Support staff serve to enhance the development of natural supports, as well as coping and self-management skills; and may also provide supportive services to assist an individual in community re-entry following hospitalization.
Specific interventions include: self-help, system advocacy, individual advocacy, pre-crisis and post-crisis support, housing, education / employment, meals and social activities.
For more information, please review the PSR Brochure, or contact one of our main office @ 704-671-4047.

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If you can’t find out the information you need, please call us on (704) 671-4047

The Clubhouse Young Adult PSR Program

The clubhouse evening psr program

Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) is a service designed to help adults with psychiatric disabilities increase their functioning so that they can be successful and satisfied in the environments of their choice with the least amount of ongoing professional intervention. PSR focuses on skill and resource development related to life in the community and to increasing the member’s ability to live as independently as possible, to manage their illness and lives with as little professional intervention as possible, and to participate in community opportunities related to functional, social, educational and vocational goals.
Similar to the traditional PSR program however, the curriculum is targeted for ages 18-29. Unfortunately, the Club House Evening PSR is currently NOT accepting referrals at this time.

Speak to someone today to learn more about your options

If you can’t find out the information you need, please call us on (704) 671-4047

Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) is a service designed to help adults with psychiatric disabilities increase their functioning so that they can be successful and satisfied in the environments of their choice with the least amount of ongoing professional intervention. PSR focuses on skill and resource development related to life in the community and to increasing the member’s ability to live as independently as possible, to manage their illness and lives with as little professional intervention as possible, and to participate in community opportunities related to functional, social, educational and vocational goals.
The service is based on the principles of recovery, including equipping members with skills, emphasizing self-determination, using natural and community supports, providing individualized intervention, emphasizing employment and the “here and now”, providing a caring environment, practicing dignity and respect, promoting consumer choice and involvement in the process, emphasizing functioning and support in real world environments and allowing time for interventions to have an effect over the long term. The program is offered a minimum of 6 hours a day 5 days a week, with some transportation provided.
For more information, please review the PSR Brochure, or contact one of our main office @ 704-671-4047.

Speak to someone today to learn more about your options

If you can’t find out the information you need, please call us on (704) 671-4047